▼ applications | |
► drivers | |
► subghz | |
► cc1101_ext | |
cc1101_ext.h | External CC1101 transceiver access API |
cc1101_ext_interconnect.h | |
► examples | |
► example_adc | |
example_adc.c | ADC example |
► example_apps_assets | |
example_apps_assets.c | Application assets example |
► example_apps_data | |
example_apps_data.c | Application data example |
► example_ble_beacon | |
► scenes | |
scene_config.h | |
scenes.h | |
ble_beacon_app.h | BLE beacon example |
► example_custom_font | |
example_custom_font.c | Custom font example |
► example_event_loop | |
example_event_loop_event_flags.c | Example application demonstrating the use of the FuriEventFlag primitive in FuriEventLoop instances |
example_event_loop_multi.c | Example application that demonstrates multiple primitives used with two FuriEventLoop instances |
example_event_loop_mutex.c | Example application that demonstrates the FuriEventLoop and FuriMutex integration |
example_event_loop_stream_buffer.c | Example application that demonstrates the FuriEventLoop and FuriStreamBuffer integration |
example_event_loop_timer.c | Example application that demonstrates FuriEventLoop's software timer capability |
► example_images | |
example_images.c | Custom images example |
► example_number_input | |
► scenes | |
example_number_input_scene.h | |
example_number_input_scene_config.h | |
example_number_input.h | |
► example_plugins | |
example_plugins.c | Plugin host application example |
example_plugins_multi.c | Advanced plugin host application example |
plugin1.c | Plugin example 1 |
plugin2.c | Plugin example 2 |
plugin_interface.h | Example plugin interface |
► example_plugins_advanced | |
app_api.h | Application API example |
app_api_interface.h | |
app_api_table_i.h | |
plugin1.c | Plugin example 1 |
plugin2.c | Plugin example 2 |
plugin_interface.h | Example plugin interface |
► example_thermo | |
example_thermo.c | 1-Wire thermometer example |
► example_view_dispatcher | |
example_view_dispatcher.c | Example application demonstrating the usage of the ViewDispatcher library |
► example_view_holder | |
example_view_holder.c | Example application demonstrating the usage of the ViewHolder library |
► services | |
► bt | |
► bt_service | |
bt.h | |
bt_i.h | |
bt_keys_filename.h | |
bt_keys_storage.h | |
bt_settings_api_i.h | |
bt_settings.h | |
bt_settings_filename.h | |
► cli | |
cli.h | Cli API |
cli_command_gpio.h | |
cli_commands.h | |
cli_i.h | |
cli_vcp.h | VCP HAL API |
► desktop | |
► animations | |
► views | |
bubble_animation_view.h | |
one_shot_animation_view.h | |
animation_manager.h | |
animation_storage.h | |
animation_storage_i.h | |
► helpers | |
pin_code.h | |
slideshow.h | |
slideshow_filename.h | |
► scenes | |
desktop_scene.h | |
desktop_scene_config.h | |
desktop_scene_locked.h | |
► views | |
desktop_events.h | |
desktop_view_debug.h | |
desktop_view_lock_menu.h | |
desktop_view_locked.h | |
desktop_view_main.h | |
desktop_view_pin_input.h | |
desktop_view_pin_timeout.h | |
desktop_view_slideshow.h | |
desktop.h | |
desktop_i.h | |
desktop_settings.h | |
desktop_settings_filename.h | |
► dialogs | |
dialogs.h | |
dialogs_i.h | |
dialogs_message.h | |
dialogs_module_file_browser.h | |
dialogs_module_message.h | |
► dolphin | |
► helpers | |
dolphin_deed.h | |
dolphin_state.h | |
dolphin_state_filename.h | |
dolphin.h | |
dolphin_i.h | |
► expansion | |
expansion.h | Expansion module support library |
expansion_protocol.h | Flipper Expansion Protocol parser reference implementation |
expansion_settings.h | Expansion module support settings |
expansion_settings_filename.h | |
expansion_worker.h | Expansion module handling thread wrapper |
► gui | |
► modules | |
► widget_elements | |
widget_element.h | |
widget_element_i.h | GUI: internal Widget Element API |
button_menu.h | GUI: ButtonMenu view module API |
button_panel.h | GUI: ButtonPanel view module API |
byte_input.h | GUI: ByteInput keyboard view module API |
dialog_ex.h | GUI: DialogEx view module API |
empty_screen.h | GUI: EmptyScreen view module API |
file_browser.h | GUI: FileBrowser view module API |
file_browser_worker.h | |
loading.h | |
menu.h | GUI: Menu view module API |
number_input.h | GUI: Integer string keyboard view module API |
popup.h | GUI: Popup view module API |
submenu.h | GUI: SubMenu view module API |
text_box.h | GUI: TextBox view module API |
text_input.h | GUI: TextInput keyboard view module API |
validators.h | |
variable_item_list.h | GUI: VariableItemList view module API |
widget.h | GUI: Widget view module API |
canvas.h | GUI: Canvas API |
canvas_i.h | GUI: internal Canvas API |
elements.h | GUI: Elements API |
gui.h | GUI: main API |
gui_i.h | GUI: main API internals |
icon.h | GUI: Icon API |
icon_animation.h | GUI: IconAnimation API |
icon_animation_i.h | GUI: internal IconAnimation API |
icon_i.h | GUI: internal Icon API |
scene_manager.h | GUI: SceneManager API |
scene_manager_i.h | GUI: internal SceneManager API |
view.h | GUI: View API |
view_dispatcher.h | GUI: ViewDispatcher API |
view_dispatcher_i.h | GUI: ViewDispatcher API |
view_holder.h | GUI: ViewHolder API |
view_i.h | GUI: internal View API |
view_port.h | GUI: ViewPort API |
view_port_i.h | GUI: internal ViewPort API |
view_stack.h | GUI: ViewStack API |
► input | |
input.h | Input: main API |
► loader | |
► firmware_api | |
firmware_api.h | |
loader.h | |
loader_applications.h | |
loader_i.h | |
loader_menu.h | |
► locale | |
locale.h | |
► notification | |
notification.h | |
notification_app.h | |
notification_messages.h | |
notification_messages_notes.h | |
notification_settings_filename.h | |
► power | |
► power_service | |
► views | |
power_off.h | |
power_unplug_usb.h | |
power.h | |
power_i.h | |
power_cli.h | |
► rpc | |
rpc.h | |
rpc_app.h | Application RPC subsystem interface |
rpc_app_error_codes.h | |
rpc_i.h | |
► storage | |
► storages | |
sd_notify.h | |
storage_ext.h | |
filesystem_api_defines.h | |
filesystem_api_internal.h | |
storage.h | APIs for working with storages, directories and files |
storage_glue.h | |
storage_i.h | |
storage_internal_dirname_i.h | |
storage_message.h | |
storage_processing.h | |
storage_sd_api.h | |
applications.h | |
► system | |
► hid_app | |
► scenes | |
hid_scene.h | |
hid_scene_config.h | |
► views | |
hid_keyboard.h | |
hid_keynote.h | |
hid_media.h | |
hid_mouse.h | |
hid_mouse_clicker.h | |
hid_mouse_jiggler.h | |
hid_tiktok.h | |
hid.h | |
views.h | |
► js_app | |
► modules | |
► js_event_loop | |
js_event_loop.h | In JS interpreter code, js_event_loop always creates and maintains the event loop |
js_event_loop_api_table_i.h | |
► js_gui | |
js_gui.h | |
js_gui_api_table_i.h | |
js_flipper.h | |
js_tests.h | |
► plugin_api | |
app_api_interface.h | |
app_api_table_i.h | |
js_plugin_api.h | |
► views | |
console_font.h | |
console_view.h | |
js_app_i.h | |
js_modules.h | |
js_thread.h | |
js_thread_i.h | |
► updater | |
► scenes | |
updater_scene.h | |
updater_scene_config.h | |
► util | |
update_task.h | |
update_task_i.h | |
► views | |
updater_main.h | |
updater_i.h | |
▼ furi | |
► core | |
base.h | |
check.h | Furi crash and assert functions |
common_defines.h | |
core_defines.h | |
dangerous_defines.h | |
event_flag.h | Furi Event Flag |
event_loop.h | Furi Event Loop |
event_loop_i.h | |
event_loop_link_i.h | |
event_loop_tick_i.h | |
event_loop_timer.h | Software timer functionality for FuriEventLoop |
event_loop_timer_i.h | |
kernel.h | Furi Kernel primitives |
log.h | Furi Logging system |
memmgr.h | Furi: memory management API and glue |
memmgr_heap.h | Furi: heap memory management API and allocator |
message_queue.h | FuriMessageQueue |
mutex.h | FuriMutex |
pubsub.h | FuriPubSub |
record.h | Furi: record API |
semaphore.h | FuriSemaphore |
stream_buffer.h | Furi stream buffer primitive |
string.h | Furi string container |
thread.h | Furi: Furi Thread API |
thread_i.h | |
thread_list.h | |
thread_list_i.h | |
timer.h | Furi software Timer API |
flipper.h | |
furi.h | |
▼ lib | |
► bit_lib | |
bit_lib.h | |
► ble_profile | |
► extra_profiles | |
hid_profile.h | |
► extra_services | |
hid_service.h | |
► datetime | |
datetime.h | |
► digital_signal | |
► presets | |
► nfc | |
iso14443_3a_signal.h | DigitalSequence preset for generating ISO14443-3A compliant signals |
iso15693_signal.h | DigitalSequence preset for generating ISO15693-compliant signals |
digital_sequence.h | Fast and precise digital signal generation library |
digital_signal.h | Simple digital signal container for the DigitalSequence library |
digital_signal_i.h | DigitalSignal private definitions |
► drivers | |
bq25896.h | |
bq25896_reg.h | |
bq27220.h | Quite problematic chip with quite bad documentation |
bq27220_data_memory.h | |
bq27220_reg.h | |
cc1101.h | |
cc1101_regs.h | |
lp5562.h | |
lp5562_reg.h | |
st25r3916.h | |
st25r3916_reg.h | |
► flipper_application | |
► api_hashtable | |
api_hashtable.h | |
compilesort.hpp | |
► elf | |
elf.h | |
elf_api_interface.h | |
elf_file.h | ELF file loader |
elf_file_i.h | |
► plugins | |
composite_resolver.h | |
plugin_manager.h | |
application_assets.h | Flipper application assets |
application_manifest.h | Flipper application manifest |
flipper_application.h | Flipper application |
► flipper_format | |
flipper_format.h | Flipper File Format helper library |
flipper_format_i.h | |
flipper_format_stream.h | |
flipper_format_stream_i.h | |
► FreeRTOS-glue | |
task_control_block.h | |
► ibutton | |
► protocols | |
► blanks | |
rw1990.h | |
tm2004.h | |
► dallas | |
dallas_common.h | |
protocol_dallas_base.h | |
protocol_ds1971.h | |
protocol_ds1990.h | |
protocol_ds1992.h | |
protocol_ds1996.h | |
protocol_ds_generic.h | |
protocol_group_dallas.h | |
protocol_group_dallas_defs.h | |
► misc | |
protocol_cyfral.h | |
protocol_group_misc.h | |
protocol_group_misc_defs.h | |
protocol_metakom.h | |
protocol_common.h | |
protocol_common_i.h | |
protocol_group_base.h | |
protocol_group_defs.h | |
ibutton_key.h | IButton key data holder |
ibutton_key_i.h | |
ibutton_protocols.h | Common interface for accessing various iButton protocols |
ibutton_worker.h | IButton worker |
ibutton_worker_i.h | IButton worker, internal definitions |
► infrared | |
► encoder_decoder | |
► common | |
infrared_common_i.h | |
► kaseikyo | |
infrared_protocol_kaseikyo.h | |
infrared_protocol_kaseikyo_i.h | |
► nec | |
infrared_protocol_nec.h | |
infrared_protocol_nec_i.h | |
► pioneer | |
infrared_protocol_pioneer.h | |
infrared_protocol_pioneer_i.h | |
► rc5 | |
infrared_protocol_rc5.h | |
infrared_protocol_rc5_i.h | |
► rc6 | |
infrared_protocol_rc6.h | |
infrared_protocol_rc6_i.h | |
► rca | |
infrared_protocol_rca.h | |
infrared_protocol_rca_i.h | |
► samsung | |
infrared_protocol_samsung.h | |
infrared_protocol_samsung_i.h | |
► sirc | |
infrared_protocol_sirc.h | |
infrared_protocol_sirc_i.h | |
infrared.h | |
infrared_i.h | |
► worker | |
infrared_transmit.h | |
infrared_worker.h | |
► lfrfid | |
► protocols | |
lfrfid_protocols.h | |
protocol_awid.h | |
protocol_electra.h | |
protocol_em4100.h | |
protocol_fdx_a.h | |
protocol_fdx_b.h | |
protocol_gallagher.h | |
protocol_gproxii.h | |
protocol_h10301.h | |
protocol_hid_ex_generic.h | |
protocol_hid_generic.h | |
protocol_idteck.h | |
protocol_indala26.h | |
protocol_io_prox_xsf.h | |
protocol_jablotron.h | |
protocol_keri.h | |
protocol_nexwatch.h | |
protocol_pac_stanley.h | |
protocol_paradox.h | |
protocol_pyramid.h | |
protocol_securakey.h | |
protocol_viking.h | |
► tools | |
em4305.h | |
fsk_demod.h | |
fsk_osc.h | |
t5577.h | |
varint_pair.h | |
lfrfid_dict_file.h | |
lfrfid_raw_file.h | |
lfrfid_raw_worker.h | |
lfrfid_worker.h | LFRFID worker |
lfrfid_worker_i.h | Lfrfid worker, internal definitions |
► mjs | |
► common | |
► frozen | |
frozen.h | |
► platforms | |
platform_flipper.h | |
cs_dbg.h | |
cs_dirent.h | |
cs_file.h | |
cs_time.h | |
cs_varint.h | |
mbuf.h | |
mg_mem.h | |
mg_str.h | |
platform.h | |
str_util.h | |
► ffi | |
ffi.h | |
mjs_array.h | |
mjs_array_buf.h | |
mjs_array_buf_public.h | |
mjs_array_public.h | |
mjs_bcode.h | |
mjs_builtin.h | |
mjs_core.h | |
mjs_core_public.h | |
mjs_dataview.h | |
mjs_exec.h | |
mjs_exec_public.h | |
mjs_features.h | |
mjs_ffi.h | |
mjs_ffi_public.h | |
mjs_gc.h | |
mjs_gc_public.h | |
mjs_internal.h | |
mjs_json.h | |
mjs_license.h | |
mjs_mm.h | |
mjs_object.h | |
mjs_object_public.h | |
mjs_parser.h | |
mjs_primitive.h | |
mjs_primitive_public.h | |
mjs_string.h | |
mjs_string_public.h | |
mjs_tok.h | |
mjs_util.h | |
mjs_util_public.h | |
► music_worker | |
music_worker.h | |
► nfc | |
► helpers | |
crypto1.h | |
felica_crc.h | |
iso13239_crc.h | |
iso14443_4_layer.h | |
iso14443_crc.h | |
nfc_data_generator.h | |
nfc_util.h | |
► protocols | |
► felica | |
felica.h | |
felica_listener.h | |
felica_listener_defs.h | |
felica_listener_i.h | |
felica_poller.h | |
felica_poller_defs.h | |
felica_poller_i.h | |
felica_poller_sync.h | |
► iso14443_3a | |
iso14443_3a.h | |
iso14443_3a_device_defs.h | |
iso14443_3a_listener.h | |
iso14443_3a_listener_defs.h | |
iso14443_3a_listener_i.h | |
iso14443_3a_poller.h | |
iso14443_3a_poller_defs.h | |
iso14443_3a_poller_i.h | |
iso14443_3a_poller_sync.h | |
► iso14443_3b | |
iso14443_3b.h | |
iso14443_3b_device_defs.h | |
iso14443_3b_i.h | |
iso14443_3b_poller.h | |
iso14443_3b_poller_defs.h | |
iso14443_3b_poller_i.h | |
► iso14443_4a | |
iso14443_4a.h | |
iso14443_4a_device_defs.h | |
iso14443_4a_i.h | |
iso14443_4a_listener.h | |
iso14443_4a_listener_defs.h | |
iso14443_4a_listener_i.h | |
iso14443_4a_poller.h | |
iso14443_4a_poller_defs.h | |
iso14443_4a_poller_i.h | |
► iso14443_4b | |
iso14443_4b.h | |
iso14443_4b_device_defs.h | |
iso14443_4b_i.h | |
iso14443_4b_poller.h | |
iso14443_4b_poller_defs.h | |
iso14443_4b_poller_i.h | |
► iso15693_3 | |
iso15693_3.h | |
iso15693_3_device_defs.h | |
iso15693_3_i.h | |
iso15693_3_listener.h | |
iso15693_3_listener_defs.h | |
iso15693_3_listener_i.h | |
iso15693_3_poller.h | |
iso15693_3_poller_defs.h | |
iso15693_3_poller_i.h | |
► mf_classic | |
mf_classic.h | |
mf_classic_listener.h | |
mf_classic_listener_defs.h | |
mf_classic_listener_i.h | |
mf_classic_poller.h | |
mf_classic_poller_defs.h | |
mf_classic_poller_i.h | |
mf_classic_poller_sync.h | |
► mf_desfire | |
mf_desfire.h | |
mf_desfire_i.h | |
mf_desfire_poller.h | |
mf_desfire_poller_defs.h | |
mf_desfire_poller_i.h | |
► mf_plus | |
mf_plus.h | |
mf_plus_i.h | |
mf_plus_poller.h | |
mf_plus_poller_defs.h | |
mf_plus_poller_i.h | |
► mf_ultralight | |
mf_ultralight.h | |
mf_ultralight_listener.h | |
mf_ultralight_listener_defs.h | |
mf_ultralight_listener_i.h | |
mf_ultralight_poller.h | |
mf_ultralight_poller_defs.h | |
mf_ultralight_poller_i.h | |
mf_ultralight_poller_sync.h | |
► slix | |
slix.h | |
slix_device_defs.h | |
slix_i.h | |
slix_listener.h | |
slix_listener_defs.h | |
slix_listener_i.h | |
slix_poller.h | |
slix_poller_defs.h | |
slix_poller_i.h | |
► st25tb | |
st25tb.h | |
st25tb_poller.h | |
st25tb_poller_defs.h | |
st25tb_poller_i.h | |
st25tb_poller_sync.h | |
nfc_device_base.h | Common top-level types for the NFC protocol stack |
nfc_device_base_i.h | Abstract interface definitions for the NFC device system |
nfc_device_defs.c | Main NFC device implementation definitions |
nfc_device_defs.h | |
nfc_generic_event.h | Generic Nfc stack event definitions |
nfc_listener_base.h | Abstract interface definitions for the NFC listener system |
nfc_listener_defs.h | |
nfc_poller_base.h | Abstract interface definitions for the NFC poller system |
nfc_poller_defs.h | |
nfc_protocol.c | Main protocol hierarchy definitions |
nfc_protocol.h | Top-level NFC protocol definitions |
nfc.h | Transport layer Nfc library |
nfc_common.h | Various common NFC-related macros |
nfc_device.h | Abstract interface for managing NFC device data |
nfc_device_i.h | NfcDevice private types and definitions |
nfc_listener.h | NFC card emulation library |
nfc_poller.h | NFC card reading library |
nfc_scanner.h | NFC card detection library |
► one_wire | |
maxim_crc.h | |
one_wire_host.h | 1-Wire host (master) library |
one_wire_slave.h | 1-Wire slave library |
► print | |
printf_tiny.h | |
wrappers.h | |
► pulse_reader | |
pulse_reader.h | |
► signal_reader | |
► parsers | |
► iso15693 | |
iso15693_parser.h | |
signal_reader.h | |
► subghz | |
► blocks | |
const.h | |
decoder.h | |
encoder.h | |
generic.h | |
math.h | |
► devices | |
► cc1101_int | |
cc1101_int_interconnect.h | |
cc1101_configs.h | |
device_registry.h | |
devices.h | |
preset.h | |
registry.h | |
types.h | |
► protocols | |
alutech_at_4n.h | |
ansonic.h | |
base.h | |
bett.h | |
bin_raw.h | |
came.h | |
came_atomo.h | |
came_twee.h | |
chamberlain_code.h | |
clemsa.h | |
dickert_mahs.h | |
doitrand.h | |
dooya.h | |
faac_slh.h | |
gate_tx.h | |
holtek.h | |
holtek_ht12x.h | |
honeywell_wdb.h | |
hormann.h | |
ido.h | |
intertechno_v3.h | |
keeloq.h | |
keeloq_common.h | |
kia.h | |
kinggates_stylo_4k.h | |
linear.h | |
linear_delta3.h | |
magellan.h | |
marantec.h | |
mastercode.h | |
megacode.h | |
nero_radio.h | |
nero_sketch.h | |
nice_flo.h | |
nice_flor_s.h | |
phoenix_v2.h | |
power_smart.h | |
princeton.h | |
protocol_items.h | |
public_api.h | |
raw.h | |
scher_khan.h | |
secplus_v1.h | |
secplus_v2.h | |
smc5326.h | |
somfy_keytis.h | |
somfy_telis.h | |
star_line.h | |
environment.h | |
receiver.h | |
registry.h | |
subghz_file_encoder_worker.h | |
subghz_keystore.h | |
subghz_protocol_registry.h | |
subghz_setting.h | |
subghz_tx_rx_worker.h | |
subghz_worker.h | |
transmitter.h | |
types.h | |
► toolbox | |
► protocols | |
protocol.h | |
protocol_dict.h | |
► pulse_protocols | |
pulse_glue.h | Simple tool to glue separated pulses to corret |
► stream | |
buffered_file_stream.h | |
file_stream.h | |
stream.h | |
stream_cache.h | |
stream_i.h | |
string_stream.h | |
► tar | |
tar_archive.h | |
api_lock.h | |
args.h | |
bit_buffer.h | Bit Buffer |
buffer_stream.h | This file implements the concept of a buffer stream |
compress.h | LZSS based compression HAL API |
crc32_calc.h | |
dir_walk.h | |
float_tools.h | |
hex.h | |
keys_dict.h | |
level_duration.h | |
m_cstr_dup.h | |
manchester_decoder.h | |
manchester_encoder.h | |
md5_calc.h | |
name_generator.h | |
path.h | |
pipe.h | Pipe convenience module |
pretty_format.h | |
profiler.h | |
property.h | |
pulse_joiner.h | |
saved_struct.h | SavedStruct - data serialization/de-serialization |
simple_array.h | This file provides a simple (non-type safe) array for elements with (optional) in-place construction support |
strint.h | Performs conversions between strings and integers |
value_index.h | |
varint.h | |
version.h | |
► u8g2 | |
u8g2.h | |
u8g2_glue.h | |
u8x8.h | |
► update_util | |
► resources | |
manifest.h | |
dfu_file.h | |
dfu_headers.h | |
int_backup.h | |
update_manifest.h | |
update_operation.h | |
err.h | |
mbedtls_cfg.h | |
▼ targets | |
► f18 | |
► furi_hal | |
furi_hal_resources.h | |
furi_hal_spi_config.h | |
furi_hal_target_hw.h | |
► f7 | |
► ble_glue | |
► furi_ble | |
event_dispatcher.h | |
gatt.h | |
profile_interface.h | |
► profiles | |
serial_profile.h | |
► services | |
battery_service.h | |
dev_info_service.h | |
serial_service.h | |
app_common.h | |
app_conf.h | |
app_debug.h | |
ble_app.h | |
ble_conf.h | |
ble_const.h | |
ble_dbg_conf.h | |
ble_event_thread.h | |
ble_glue.h | |
compiler.h | |
extra_beacon.h | |
gap.h | |
hsem_map.h | |
osal.h | |
tl_dbg_conf.h | |
► furi_hal | |
furi_hal_bus.c | |
furi_hal_bus.h | |
furi_hal_clock.h | |
furi_hal_dma.h | |
furi_hal_flash.h | |
furi_hal_gpio.h | |
furi_hal_i2c_config.h | |
furi_hal_i2c_types.h | |
furi_hal_ibutton.h | IButton HAL API |
furi_hal_idle_timer.h | |
furi_hal_interrupt.h | |
furi_hal_nfc_i.h | NFC HAL library (private definitions) |
furi_hal_nfc_tech_i.h | NFC HAL technology-related private definitions |
furi_hal_os.h | |
furi_hal_pwm.h | PWM contol HAL |
furi_hal_resources.h | |
furi_hal_rfid.h | RFID HAL API |
furi_hal_rtc.h | Furi Hal RTC API |
furi_hal_serial.h | Serial HAL API |
furi_hal_serial_control.h | |
furi_hal_serial_types.h | |
furi_hal_serial_types_i.h | |
furi_hal_spi_config.h | |
furi_hal_spi_types.h | |
furi_hal_subghz.h | SubGhz HAL API |
furi_hal_target_hw.h | |
furi_hal_usb_cdc.h | |
furi_hal_usb_i.h | |
► inc | |
alt_boot.h | |
FreeRTOSConfig.h | |
furi_config.h | |
stm32.h | |
stm32_assert.h | STM32 assert template file. This file should be copied to the application folder and renamed to stm32_assert.h |
stm32wb55_linker.h | Linker defined symbols |
stm32wb55_startup.h | |
► platform_specific | |
cxx_virtual_stub.h | |
intrinsic_export.h | |
math_wrapper.h | |
► furi_hal_include | |
furi_hal.h | Furi HAL API |
furi_hal_adc.h | ADC HAL API |
furi_hal_bt.h | BT/BLE HAL API |
furi_hal_cortex.h | ARM Cortex HAL |
furi_hal_crypto.h | Cryptography HAL API |
furi_hal_debug.h | Debug HAL API |
furi_hal_i2c.h | I2C HAL API |
furi_hal_info.h | Device info HAL API |
furi_hal_infrared.h | INFRARED HAL API |
furi_hal_light.h | Light control HAL API |
furi_hal_memory.h | Memory HAL API |
furi_hal_mpu.h | |
furi_hal_nfc.h | NFC HAL library |
furi_hal_power.h | Power HAL API |
furi_hal_random.h | |
furi_hal_region.h | |
furi_hal_sd.h | SD Card HAL API |
furi_hal_speaker.h | Speaker HAL |
furi_hal_spi.h | |
furi_hal_usb.h | |
furi_hal_usb_ccid.h | |
furi_hal_usb_hid.h | |
furi_hal_usb_hid_u2f.h | |
furi_hal_version.h | Version HAL API |
furi_hal_vibro.h | Vibro HAL API |