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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CBleProfileHidParamsOptional arguments to pass along with profile template as FuriHalBleProfileParams for tuning profile behavior
 CByteInputByteInput type
 CCanvasCanvas structure
 CCanvasFontParametersFont parameters
 CCompressConfigHeatshrinkConfiguration for heatshrink compression
 CDialogsFileBrowserOptionsFile browser dialog extra options
 CDigitalSignalDigitalSignal structure type
 CElfApiInterfaceInterface for ELF loader to resolve symbols
 CExpansionFrameExpansion protocol frame structure
 CExpansionFrameBaudRateBaud rate frame contents
 CExpansionFrameControlControl frame contents
 CExpansionFrameDataData frame contents
 CExpansionFrameHeaderFrame header structure
 CExpansionFrameHeartbeatHeartbeat frame contents
 CExpansionFrameStatusStatus frame contents
 CExpansionSettingsExpansion module support settings storage type
 CFelicaAuthenticationStructure used to hold authentication related fields
 CFelicaAuthenticationContextStruct which controls the process of authentication and can be passed as a parameter to the application level
 CFelicaAuthenticationStatusIn Felica there two types of auth
 CFelicaBlockFelica block with status flags indicating last operation with it
 CFelicaCardKeySeparate type for card key block
 CFelicaDataStructure used to store Felica data and additional values about reading
 CFelicaFileSystemFelica filesystem structure
 CFelicaFSUnionUnion which represents filesystem in junction with plain data dump
 CFelicaIDmFelica ID block
 CFelicaListenerGenericRequestGeneric Felica request same for both read and write operations
 CFelicaListenerRequestGeneric request but with list of requested elements
 CFelicaListenerWriteBlockDataStruct for write request data
 CFelicaPMmFelica PMm block
 CFelicaPollerEventFelicaPoller poller event structure
 CFelicaPollerEventDataFelica poller event data
 CFelicaSessionKeyStucture for holding Felica session key which is calculated from rc and ck
 CFileStructure that hold file index and returned api errors
 CFileInfoStructure that hold file info
 CFlipperAppPluginDescriptorAn object that describes a plugin - must be returned by plugin's entry point
 CFS_ApiFull filesystem api structure
 CFuriHalCortexTimerCortex timer provides high precision low level expiring timer
 CFuriHalI2cBusFuriHal i2c bus
 CFuriHalI2cBusHandleFuriHal i2c handle
 CFuriHalNfcNFC HAL global state structure
 CFuriHalNfcEventInternalNFC HAL internal event structure
 CFuriHalNfcListenerCompensationTechnology-specific compenstaion values for listeners
 CFuriHalNfcPollerCompensationTechnology-specific compenstaion values for pollers
 CFuriHalNfcTechBaseAbstract NFC technology definition structure
 CFuriHalNfcTechListenerBaseAbstract technology-specific listener structure
 CFuriHalNfcTechPollerBaseAbstract technology-specific poller structure
 CFuriHalSpiBusFuriHal spi bus
 CFuriHalSpiBusHandleFuriHal spi handle
 CFuriHalVersionRepresenation Model:
 CFuriHalVersionOTPv0OTP V0 Structure: prototypes and early EVT
 CFuriHalVersionOTPv1OTP V1 Structure: late EVT, DVT
 CFuriHalVersionOTPv2OTP V2 Structure: DVT2, PVT, Production
 CGpioInterruptGpio interrupt type
 CGpioPinGpio structure
 CGuiGui structure
 CInputEventInput Event, dispatches with FuriPubSub
 CInputPinStateInput pin state
 CIso14443_3aPollerEventIso14443_3a poller event structure
 CIso14443_3aPollerEventDataIso14443_3a poller event data
 CIso14443_3bPollerEventIso14443_3b poller event structure
 CIso14443_3bPollerEventDataIso14443_3b poller event data
 CIso14443_4aPollerEventIso14443_4a poller event structure
 CIso14443_4aPollerEventDataIso14443_4a poller event data
 CIso14443_4bPollerEventIso14443_4b poller event structure
 CIso14443_4bPollerEventDataIso14443_4b poller event data
 CIso15693_3PollerEventIso15693_3 poller event structure
 CIso15693_3PollerEventDataIso15693_3 poller event data
 CJsEventLoopPer-module instance control structure
 CJsEventLoopCallbackContextContext passed to the generic event callback
 CJsEventLoopContractAdapter for other JS modules that wish to integrate with the event loop JS module
 CJsEventLoopSubscriptionContains data needed to cancel a subscription
 CJsGpioInstPer-module instance control structure
 CJsGpioPinInstPer-pin control structure
 CJsViewDescriptorDescriptor for a JS view
 CJsViewPropDescriptorProperty descriptor
 CMfClassicPollerEventMfClassic poller event
 CMfClassicPollerEventDataMfClassic poller event data
 CMfClassicPollerEventDataDictAttackNextSectorMfClassic poller next sector event data
 CMfClassicPollerEventDataKeyRequestMfClassic poller key request event data
 CMfClassicPollerEventDataReadSectorRequestMfClassic poller read sector request event data
 CMfClassicPollerEventDataRequestModeMfClassic poller request mode event data
 CMfClassicPollerEventDataSectorTrailerRequestMfClassic poller sector trailer request event data
 CMfClassicPollerEventDataUpdateMfClassic poller update event data
 CMfClassicPollerEventDataWriteBlockRequestMfClassic poller write block request event data
 CMfClassicPollerEventKeyAttackDataMfClassic poller key attack event data
 CMfDesfirePollerEventMfDesfire poller event structure
 CMfDesfirePollerEventDataMfDesfire poller event data
 CMfPlusPollerEventMIFARE Plus poller event structure
 CMfPlusPollerEventDataMIFARE Plus poller event data
 CMfUltralightPollerAuthContextMfUltralight poller authentication context
 CMfUltralightPollerEventMfUltralight poller event structure
 CMfUltralightPollerEventDataMfUltralight poller event data
 CNfcDeviceNfcDevice structure definition
 CNfcDeviceBaseGeneric NFC device interface
 CNfcEventNfc event structure
 CNfcEventDataNfc event data structure
 CNfcGenericEventGeneric Nfc event type
 CNfcGenericEventExExtended generic Nfc event type
 CNfcListenerBaseGeneric NFC listener interface
 CNfcPollerBaseGeneric NFC poller interface
 CNfcProtocolTreeNodeTree node describing a protocol
 CNfcScannerEventEvent passed to the user callback
 CNfcScannerEventDataEvent data passed to the user callback
 COneWireHostTimingsTimings based on Application Note 126: https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/tech-articles/1wire-communication-through-software–maxim-integrated.pdf
 CPipeSharedData shared between both sides
 CPipeSideThere are two PipeSides per pipe
 CRpcAppSystemEventRPC application subsystem event structure
 CRpcAppSystemEventDataEvent data structure, containing the type and associated data
 CSceneManagerEventScene Manager event
 CSceneManagerHandlersScene Manager configuration structure Contains array of Scene handlers
 CSD_CardInfoSD Card information structure
 CSD_CIDCard Identification Data: CID Register
 CSD_CSDCard Specific Data: CSD Register
 CSimpleArrayConfigSimple Array configuration structure
 CSlixPollerEventSlix poller event structure
 CSlixPollerEventDataSlixs poller event data
 CSlixPollerEventDataPrivacyUnlockContextSlix poller privacy unlock context data
 CStorageEventStorage event (passed to the PubSub callback)
 Csym_entrySymbol table entry