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FuriHalNfcTechListenerBase Struct Reference

Abstract technology-specific listener structure. More...

#include <furi_hal_nfc_tech_i.h>

Data Fields

FuriHalNfcListenerCompensation compensation
 Compensation values in listener mode.
FuriHalNfcChipConfig init
 Pointer to the init() function.
FuriHalNfcChipConfig deinit
 Pointer to the deinit() function.
FuriHalNfcWaitEvent wait_event
 Pointer to the wait_event() function.
FuriHalNfcTx tx
 Pointer to the tx() function.
FuriHalNfcRx rx
 Pointer to the rx() function.
FuriHalNfcSleep sleep
 Pointer to the sleep() function.
FuriHalNfcIdle idle
 Pointer to the idle() function.

Detailed Description

Abstract technology-specific listener structure.

If the listener operating mode is not supported for a particular technology, fill this structure with zeroes.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: