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Bq27220BatteryStatus Struct Reference

Data Fields

bool DSG: 1
 The device is in DISCHARGE.
bool SYSDWN: 1
 System down bit indicating the system should shut down.
bool TDA: 1
 Terminate Discharge Alarm.
bool BATTPRES: 1
 Battery Present detected.
bool AUTH_GD: 1
 Detect inserted battery.
bool OCVGD: 1
 Good OCV measurement taken.
bool TCA: 1
 Terminate Charge Alarm.
bool RSVD: 1
bool CHGINH: 1
 Charge inhibit.
bool FC: 1
 Full-charged is detected.
bool OTD: 1
 Overtemperature in discharge condition is detected.
bool OTC: 1
 Overtemperature in charge condition is detected.
bool SLEEP: 1
 Device is operating in SLEEP mode when set.
bool OCVFAIL: 1
 Status bit indicating that the OCV reading failed due to current.
bool OCVCOMP: 1
 An OCV measurement update is complete.
bool FD: 1
 Full-discharge is detected.

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