Flipper Zero Firmware
No Matches
Firmware update on Developer Board

It's important to regularly update your Developer Board to ensure that you have access to the latest features and bug fixes. This tutorial will guide you through the necessary steps to update the firmware of your Developer Board.

This tutorial assumes that you're familiar with the basics of the command line. If you’re not, please refer to the Windows or MacOS/Linux command line tutorials.

Installing the micro Flipper Build Tool

Micro Flipper Build Tool (uFBT) is a cross-platform tool that enables basic development tasks for Flipper Zero, such as building and debugging applications, flashing firmware, and creating VS Code development configurations.

Install uFBT on your computer by running the following command in the Terminal:

For Linux & macOS:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade ufbt

For Windows:

py -m pip install --upgrade ufbt

If you want to learn more about uFBT, visit the project's page.

Connecting the Developer Board to your computer

  1. List all of the serial devices on your computer.


    On Windows, go to Device Manager and expand the Ports (COM & LPT) section.


    On macOS, you can run the following command in the Terminal:

    ls /dev/cu.*


    On Linux, you can run the following command in the Terminal:

    ls /dev/tty*

    View the devices in the list.

  2. Connect the Developer Board to your computer using a USB-C cable. The Developer Board in Wired mode
  3. Switch your Developer Board to Bootloader mode:

    3.1. Press and hold the BOOT button.

    3.2. Press the RESET button while holding the BOOT button.

    3.3. Release the BOOT button.\ You can easily switch the Dev Board to Bootloader mode

  4. Repeat Step 1 and view the name of your Developer Board that appeared in the list.

    For example, on macOS:


Flashing the firmware

To flash the firmware onto your Developer Board, run the following command in the terminal:

python3 -m ufbt devboard_flash

You should see the following message: WiFi board flashed successfully.

If flashing failed

If you get an error message during the flashing process, such as this:

A fatal error occurred: Serial data stream stopped: Possible serial noise or corruption.

Or this:

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/cu.usbmodem01'

Try doing the following:

  • Disconnect the Developer Board from your computer, then reconnect it.
  • Use a different USB port on your computer.
  • Use a different USB-C cable.

Finishing the installation

After flashing the firmware:

  1. Reboot the Developer Board by pressing the RESET button. Reset the Developer Board
  2. Disconnect and reconnect the USB-C cable.

The Developer Board should appear as a serial device on your computer. Now, you can use it with the Black Magic Debug client of your choice.